One of the most headache problems for players buy runescape online should be the account safety, for Blizzard put strict rules on gold buying, once get caught, it’s very likely players’ runescape account will be banned. But if players are customers , then they don’t need to worry about this at all, for up to now, no any player complains getting in troubles for purchasing from this website, then why players won’t get banned for runescape account at this site ?

Gold from is pure hand

One of the key reason for safe runescape account is the source of gold. Once players’ accounts get hacked, the system will react on this at once, and then all the related trading to this account will be in troubles.Although there are many gold sellers in the market, not every of them has their own farming team, so it’s impossible for these sellers to guarantee all the gold is from pure hand, cause they also buy runescape account from farmers, and it’s very likely some farmers will use hacking to steal other players’ gold. Up to now, there are only very few sellers have their farming team, it is one of the few, what’s more, their farming team is the biggest in the market.

Unique safe trade ways

The delivery method also face to face trade, but their difference with other sellers is they will use alt to trade, and after the order finished, they will delete it, so that no recode will be left. Unlike other companies, they will use the never-changing character to make the delivery, once this character in troubles, all the related buyers will be involved.

Keep learning for any changes in Blizzard

Blizzard will always launch different rules against buy runescape account , knowing how does this work will help sellers protect their buyers better, while do this well, they will keep learning for new changes on Blizzard, and find out ways to help customers avoid the banning hammer.
